Andrew F. (Andy) O'Hara is a long-time writer who brings you books, short stories, poetry and articles that include humor, romance, mystery and thoughtful articles for your enjoyment.

About Andy
A military veteran, retired highway patrolman and medical worker, Andy O’Hara lives in Sacramento, California with his wife, Susan. With a lifetime of travel around the world and experiences he never imagined, Andy has had a wealth of experience with people he admired – and those he didn’t. His experiences have taken him through the Vietnam years, culture wars, and the rewarding parts of serving the public in a police uniform. Hospitalized with PTSD after almost 25 years, he had to hang up his uniform, struggle through recovery, and find another satisfying career as a hospital medical assistant.
With a youngster’s unfulfilled dream to be a teacher and writer, Andy still found time to assist other police officers with job related trauma, record his experiences, and translate them into the writing that has culminated his journey. With three books, he continues to search out the best in people, their experiences and their dreams so he can share them with others.
Dreamers get to do that.

Welcome to a journey where we embark on a fascinating exploration into the life and ideas of one of the greatest philosophers in history, René Descartes. Known for his impact on philosophy, Descartes famously secured his existence by declaring, “I think, therefore I am.” Descartes maintained that the soul is eternal. Have you ever wondered where souls reside? Do Heaven and Hell really exist?
We invite you to join us in meeting René Descartes himself to discuss his theories. What would he say about our questions today on whether God exists, the power of the Universe, and everything in between?
This isn’t a historical account alone. It's an interactive dialogue with Descartes during which you're free to question him about the existence of God, reality, or if it's the Universe that's really the ‘Supreme Being’ in control. Join us as we merge the 17th and 21st centuries and discuss the hard questions about life, existence, and the Cosmos.

Rennie and Me
How Meeting Philosopher Rene Descartes Gave Me Soul
Short Stories
for Dreamers
Paperback $7.99
Kindle $2.99
Book Description
On the Edge
Paperback $10.95
Book Description

The Swan, Tales of
the Sacramento Valley
(currently unavailable)
Book Description
Meet the Dreamers